It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged. But, new beginnings are always in style!
If you’ve been following me, or are new to my SmallTALK World, Hello!👋🏾😊
My name is Samantha (Sam is my approved nickname ;-). I post on Facebook, Instagram… and Twitter on occasion (I’m getting better with Tweets lol). I’m what you consider an occasional Social Butterfly, who really just likes to enjoy life.
But lately, this Social Butterfly has been just fluttering. Life has taken its fun way of happening to me. Sometimes it hasn’t been too kind to your girl (whew life is a roller coaster sometimes, lol!). It’s even tempted me at times to lose some of my vibrant personality. I work in an industry of forever-change (Media), and some changes almost made me lose heart. But, I’ve learned to bounce back even harder with my Energy, and Smile!🙌🏾
I recently took some new photos, and realized that now, I’m ready to step into this new phase in my life.:)
I recently made up in my mind to LIVE.
Many may say, you have a great social life, get to go to some cool places, and have a great family (which I LOVE with all my heart)… But for a while, I was just EXISTING.
Here’s what can happen if you’re not Living: You get too comfortable, being comfortable. Existing is easy, and can happen unknowingly. So, challenge yourself to LIVE. I’m making it my purpose to not just let life happen, I’m out here Happening to Life!
So, I invite you all to join me, Ms. #SmallTALKAroundTown, as I plan to post some cool new posts on my blog. I’m going to take you all with me through Photos, Videos, and Words. I’m also inviting you to comment on posts, email me with questions, or if you see me out and about, say hello!
Here’s to finding the life you want, and boldly stepping into that life. LIVE out Loud!
It’s my Blooming Season, and hopefully you’re Blooming in your Life as well. :)
-Samantha (#SmallTALKAroundTown)
Blooming Season has begun!🌼😉